Saturday 18 May 2013

Lesson from the death of a girl killed by Lightning

The case of an SSS3 student who was struck by lightning on the day she was to write her Home Economics in the last WAEC Examination is still fresh in the memories of her parents, students and Staff of Muslim College, Bariga, and indeed the entire education family in Lagos. 

The attribution of deaths by lightning to "god of thunder" each time it happens will prevent us from addressing issues and exploring measures that will safeguard safety of lives and properties. 
Let me use this medium to inform my readers that even in the United States of America, People are struck year round, an average of 54 people are killed each year by lightning and hundreds severely injured. Animals too have been killed by lightning. So It does not happen in Nigeria only!
We should at this time strive to know what lightning is and how best we can take care of ourselves and properties.  
Lightning is a massive electrostatic discharge between electrically charged regions within the clouds, or between a cloud and the earth’s surface. The charged regions within the atmosphere temporarily equalized themselves through a lightning flash, commonly referred to as a strike if it hits an object on the ground.

Safety Tips
  •  All heads of schools, teachers and parents must ensure that children are prevented from entering the rain most especially one accompanied by lightning and thunderstorm. The idea of coming out of the classrooms or houses to play during rainfall is not safe.
  •  In addition, we should do away with objects like mirror, metals etc that could pose danger during thunder storm. 
  •  Don’t wash dishes most especially metals 
  •  Don’t take a shower or wash hands, you can do this after the stormy rain
  •  Stay away from windows and doors
  •  Don’t unplug electrical equipments because you could be struck.
  •  Avoid open fields , top of a hill or ridge top; Stay away from tall, isolated trees.
  •  Stay near a lower stand of trees.
  • Stay away from water and wet materials like because they excellently conduct electricity.
  • Do away with motorcycling or bicycling in the rain. You can park somewhere and later continue on your journey.

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