Sunday 13 October 2013

3- Day Holiday for Sallah celebration

Witton Park High School is closing for three days starting from Monday to allow Muslim children celebrate the Eid- El Adha.  Emma Cruces the School is taking the decision to prevent absences and children taking religious leave. According to the Headteacher, Dean Logan, “the decision was to prevent a large number of Mulsim children taking extra leave which would see them fall behind in their studies.” 

It was reported that in 2011, Blackburn with Darwen primary schools had the highest number of unauthorised absences in the North West due to time off for Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. Logan said: “In planning our school calendar we have a choice of either authorising time off school for religious observance, which results in students losing valuable time in school, or we can arrange our school year in a better way."

“This September we started school three days earlier so time could be taken to recognise the festival. By arranging our calendar in this way attendance at school is not lost, ensuring students are given the best possible opportunities to achieve their goals. “Attendance is 97 per cent for this term which is fantastic as it is significantly above national figures. All information about the school year is shared with parents and is available on the school’s website.” 

In Nigeria however, a two- day public holiday was declared to allow Nigerian Muslims join their counterparts in different parts of the world celebrate this year's Eid El Adha.

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