Wednesday 18 June 2014

Nigerian Peter U. Nwangwu Contests for President, University of Nebraska

Peter U. Nwangwu, a Nigerian graduate of University of Nebraska who is also an entrepreneur, university leader and philanthropist has applied to become the school's next president.
Nwangwu holds four degrees from NU and he’s applying for the job vacated by J.B. Milliken in May.

He said these in an interview:
“I didn’t just want to apply for the position because of where I am today.
 “The search committee will see — from my undergraduate days through my graduate degrees and various exposures, the places I have been and having taught at the highest levels — there is a lot I can bring to the table.
 “Nebraska gave me so much; I think it’s time to use everything that has worked for me to take Nebraska to the next level.” He said.

Nwangwu is the recipient of the President Ronald Reagan Republican Gold Medal in 2005 and the Congressional Medal of Distinction in 2006.

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